
Minuman Enak tapi sehat dan punya segudang manfaat

 Minuman segudang manfaat tapi enak! Emang ada?!

Minuman enak rata-rata ga sehat, ya ga sih? Kita sebut aja Soft Drink, Bubble Drink, dan Minuman berasa berwarna yang suka ditemukan di warung atau minimarket. Sebenarnya apa ya sih yang bikin ga sehatnya? GULA. 

Kalian pasti tau lah akibat dari kita mengkonsumsi gula berlebih, mungkin belum terasa di badan kita saat ini, biasanya kelihatan pada jangka panjang.

Gimana dong cara menghindarinya, sedangkan kayaknya hampir semua yang dijual di pasaran minuman kaya gitu. Mau yang sehat masa harus minum jamu pahit atau minum air putih aja.

Aku mau share nih pengalaman aku lebaran kemarin. Jadi aku dapet hampers dari temanku. Isinya tuh Aurora Saffron Collagen. Buat kalian yang belum tau Aurora Saffron Collagen tuh seperti ini 

Aurora Saffron Collagen itu Minuman Serbuk Saffron Collagen Pertama di Dunia, yang sudah hadir di Indonesia. Saffron, sebagai salah satu bahan alami utama dalam Aurora Saffron Collagen, mengandung antioksidan tinggi serta membawa segudang manfaat kesehatan seperti halnya memelihara kesehatan saraf hingga meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh. 

Dipadukan juga dengan Kolagen Ikan Terhidrolisis 5000mg, Vitamin C, Mix Berries, Delima, L-Glutathione, Prebiotik Inulin, dan Stevia. Dengan 100% bahan alami pilihan dan bebas bahan pengawet. 

Dan kadar kalori dari si Aurora Saffron Collagen ini masih di batas aman untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari dan baik dalam menjaga kadar gula darah. Karena Aurora Saffron Collagen pakai pemanis alami dari tanaman Stevia rebaudiana.

Kalau kalian atau keluarga kalian ada yang menderita diabetes, Aurora Saffron Collagen aman ya dikonsumsi untuk mereka penderita diabetes.

Akhirnya aku nemuin minuman dengan rasa enak, yang punya segudang manfaat. Mau tau manfaatnya apa aja?Mencerahkan kulit secara alami

  • Membuat kulit kenyal dan lembut

  • Menyamarkan garis halus dan kerutan

  • Melindungi sel tubuh dari radikal bebas

  • Meningkatkan imun dan stamina

  • Menjaga kesehatan lambung dan jantung

  • Memperlancar pencernaan

  • Mendetoks racun dalam tubuh

  • Merawat persendian dan sistem saraf

  • Meringankan nyeri haid dan migrain

Mau dapetin semua manfaat ini? Konsumsi Aurora Saffron Collagen setiap hari ya.


Palu. Central Sulawesi

It's one of my best part in my life. Alhamdulillah.. I've been through the biggest appreciation for teachers and staff of education in non formal. It calls "APRESIASI GTK PAUD DIKMAS". at Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Last 23-28 Mei 2016.
I participate as a manager of reading garden community (Taman Bacaan Masyarakat - TBM)
Although i not get a champion, but i still gratefull to Allah because i can met fellow manager of TBM from many place in Indonesia.
We must presentation for our TBM in front of 3 judges. They were from Academics people, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. More over we have choir competition and traditional dance competition. The last day, i gone to Donggala, the beach that become famous tourism in Palu.
In Donggala beach area has been managed well by the government, so the facilities are very complete, and the inn is in the beach area for visitors who want to stay on the beach.



Long time no see, no write.
many things that i have thought.
Now i'm working as a librarian at SDIT Nurul Fikri depok. It's almost 3 years.  I learn many lesson there. I become a new girl i think. I know what purpose of our life. Yess Allah SWT is my aim. I feel like i become more useful for anyone. 
Previously, i don't understand what hijab function is. I just know hijab is to cover my hair. Obviously, hijab is to cover all my body until my body dent is visible.. certainly, for protect my self from people bad aim.
Once a week i attended a small group of recitation of Qur'an. And i really loved going to there..
Do you wanna see me now,? It's me and my frends..


Cool short trip island

Salt water, fresh air, sunny view, very great moment. this weekend me and my kucluk went to 'kepulauan seribu'. Just one day we went to 3 island. There are kelor island, onrust island and cipir island. The view was great to take many picture. So blue and white there. At 7am we start from kalideres stasion to muara kamal with mini car. Then we using a fisherman ship to the island. The sun very sunny, make's our skin darken hihi. At 4pm we're back to muara kamal.
Really recommended for you because this trip very chip. Just Rp. 100.000 incl transport and lunch.


I love my friends 'kucluk'

Welcome october.. I hope this october like a octopus who has many goodness hand to me. Ehehe
I wanna tell about my greatest friends that i met in Collage. Their name are MILA, she's my first friend at collage. First person i met in same mayor. She's a little girl with a big glasses. I closer to her than my others friends.
RIKA, Palembang's girl, pretty,smart and energic. And she will marry this December.. Hikkss.. So fast. But we're all happy for that. Because that this December me and my friend will going to PALEMBANG Yeeeeaah..
Ay, beautiful and smart girl. But i don't know why now she's seldom to hang out with us. That i know her father was sick. So she should take care her father at home.
KA YULVA. a mature person and the place to us to share our problems. Hehe.. She's an young enterpreneur. Has a moeslim cloth brand 'Hijab Yulva'. I love her collection and of course cheap price..
NANA. Very very energic girl, so fussy. But she's make the condition happy. She's an english teacher. Smart and of course she can speak english well.
KA ADE. She's Ka Yulva's friend, but she often hangout with us. So we're become a friend. She has an arabic face, she's look pretty.
And i hope we always can be a frienda forever.